What makes SPB-Now different?

SPB NOW is Seasons Past Baseball’s entry into current Major League Baseball play. 
Starting it's fifth season in 2008, we follow the other SPB leagues by using the actual number of Major
League teams minus 2 (-2) to keep the talent pool spread out.  

Through SPB’s unique Phase II player draft format, in which managers select available players 
three (3) at a time from a pool of unprotected roster players (each team protects anywhere from 
17-20 players depending on wining percentage each year). Each team can lose no more than 5 players total
during the Phase 2 draft. 

SPB NOW is constantly seeking managers and backup managers, as openings occur on occassions.  

Step right up now and and become a member of one of the best DMB leagues around!  To find out more 
about SPB, click onto www.seasonpastbaseball.com, and click on the SPB-Now link.

If you are interested contact John Turnbull at jturnbullh@woh.rr.com